Reader defends ‘porn’ accusation

December 21, 2022

I am very disappointed that the Concord Bridge has sunk to the level of putting dishonest and misleading editorials on the front page and attempting to disguise them as news.

The headline “Critics seek to recast diversity as porn” is simply ludicrous. The book excerpts read into the record at the Joint CCHS School Committee meeting are clearly pornographic. In fact, the MMN video of the meeting includes a viewer discretion warning due to “adult content,” NOT due to “diversity content”.

Most of the opinion piece was focused on race-baiting; claiming, without evidence, that the concerned citizens believed the pornography threatened “white privilege,” and then injecting the races of certain participants in order to claim perceived victimhood of “white, male privilege.” Ironically, these are the kinds of divisive, anti-intellectual arguments that we get from a “DEI” agenda.

I would appreciate your sticking to the facts of a news story, and keep the editorials honest, thoughtful, and in the editorial section.

Michael J Benn

Old Marlboro Rd.