Letter: Reed is ‘uniquely qualified to serve’ on Select Board

March 16, 2023

Join me in voting for Karlen Reed for the Select Board. As a lawyer for 30 years, and with over 15 years working in the public sector on highly regulated matters, she is uniquely qualified to serve. As a parent and proactive participant in several areas of Town public service, she will also maintain what Concord cherishes the most, including the town character, the environment, and the qualities of Town Meeting governance. 

She serves as Chair of the Town’s PEG Access Advisory cable TV committee. She is actively working to upgrade the telecommunications services that have become so vital during the pandemic. She is a member of the League of Women Voters of Concord-Carlisle and often serves as an election poll worker. She recognizes the challenges of building the new middle school and the fact that housing diversity needs are testing the town’s ability to grow thoughtfully while holding the line on the property tax burden. Karlen has the experience and knowledge to identify new revenue sources and implement them with other board members. 

As a member of the Select Board, Karlen Reed will also review important projects like Junction Village, the Peabody School property and the Thoreau Business District revitalization to ensure that they align with the Town’s values and goals. Three years after the first Covid lockdown Concord is still in the midst of an extraordinary turnover of town staff and volunteer committee members. As Karlen says on her website, “My goal in serving Concord on the Select Board is to meet these challenges, balancing our Town’s wants and needs with our budget and timelines.”

Vincent Carlson

Everett Street