Private letter made public in error

December 9, 2022

In the November 11 issue of The Concord Bridge, the contents of a personal email which I wrote to several individuals (not connected with the paper) on which the writer of a related story in the paper was copied as a courtesy, were printed as a Letter to the Editor. This communication was never intended for publication. The printing of this personal email caused embarrassment to me and others. The paper’s guidelines for letters lay out requirements for submission and indicate a verification process, including that they be addressed to a specific email address, and include an address and phone number for verification. My communication did not meet any of those requirements and was not verified.

I am grateful for The Concord Bridge, which I consider not just a badly needed source of local news, but also a community service. I very much appreciate the efforts of everyone who has been involved in creating it, as well as the staff of editors and writers. I want the paper to succeed, which is why I am compelled  to request that you adhere to the excellent guidelines for letters that you have laid out.

Sarah D. Compton

The Concord Bridge regrets the miscommunication. It was my error, and I have apologized to Ms. Compton. — Jennifer Lord Paluzzi, editor-in-chief.