Letter: Marano seeks re-election to School Committee

January 28, 2024

I will be seeking re-election to the school committee. I have served as chair of the Concord-Carlisle Regional School Committee for the past two years.  I am proud of the work that is done in our schools by our teachers, staff and administrators. Our students continue to thrive in our district due to the close attention to our mission, our strategic plan and the quality of educators and administrators that guide our students.

I am proud of the continuum of services that we provide in both special education and general education offering students a wide variety of opportunities for multiple paths to success. Our programs from pre-k to age 22 starting at the  Integrated Preschool and finishing at CCHS in the Launch Program are second to none.  At CCHS our students have the opportunity to take AP classes, complete an internship program, and  participate in club and athletics.  All of our schools continue to focus on the needs of the whole child.

 The town has been supportive of our budgets at Town Meeting so we can continue to have success and provide the quality education for our students.  As a town we will continue to share the success of our students and teachers by celebrating our accomplishments.  With the pandemic in the rearview mirror we have been able to bring back the joy in teaching and learning and we have come back stronger with a renewed focus on wellness and student achievement.

My husband Marc and I moved to Concord in 2000 when our oldest child was born specifically  for the quality of the public schools.  As a former public school teacher and administrator finding a town with high quality education was at the top of our list.   Our children are products of Concord public schools,  three of our children have graduated from CCHS and our youngest is a sophomore at CCHS. 

It has been my honor to serve on the school committee and serve the needs of this community.   I will bring with me a commitment to quality education and working through the challenges that we are faced with in the years to come.  I ask for your continued support at the Town election on Tuesday April 9th.

Tracey Marano