‘Exuberantly’ supporting Tracey Marano for School Committee

March 16, 2024

I am proud to have nominated Tracey Marano at the Town Caucus and enthusiastically endorse her for a second term on the Concord School Committee! 

I often discuss that running for the position of School Committee is the most important office in American government as that is where the future of our children is cultivated and — appropriately so — our community budget heavily supports that important mission. 

Tracey has served a wonderfully successful first term on the School Committee — as a thoughtful, accessible, transparent, caring, open-minded, publicly available, continuously seeing information, ability to see all sides of a situation, and dedicated elected official. Tracey is a great example of the lean-in and thoughtful person WE in Concord want to represent us AND our kids. Her background provides her the strong resume we want in this position, receiving a BA and Master’s in Education and Special Education from BC. In her professional career she has served as an educator and as assistant principal in the Bedford Schools. Tracey has skin in the game with four wonderful children all using or have used Concord Schools K-12. 

I am proud to have both nominated and endorse Tracey, not as a friend (which I am), not as a fellow engaged parent in this great community (which we both are), not as a fellow Concordian (which we all are), but putting her candidacy forward as perhaps one of the most qualified and proven School Committee members we have seen. 

I proudly and exuberantly second Tracey’s nomination as School Committee candidate for Concord, the best community not in the United States, not the world, but the entire universe! 

Matt Boger 

Baker Avenue