Cobbs for fair, compassionate leadership

April 5, 2024

I am writing to offer my enthusiastic endorsement of Elizabeth (Liz) Cobbs for Concord School Committee. I worked closely with Liz on a Concord-Carlisle League of Women Voters project in the fall of 2022; the purpose of the project was to inform residents of the area’s rich history and the many ways that history has informed today’s issues related to housing and public education. Liz is a highly effective leader — thoughtful, willing and eager to listen to all points of view, well organized, and deeply committed to the processes that make for an informed citizenry. I have no doubt that she will bring those same qualities to her work on the School Committee, a job that requires hard work, patience, good humor, and a sense of responsibility for the whole community. 

As an historian, I am well aware of the role the public school system has played in our nation’s history. The system is premised on a promise — an excellent education for children no matter their background or where they live — and we must cherish that ideal. Indeed, the public schools are building blocks of our democracy. We need School Committee members who possess a profound respect for the children they are serving, a broad vision related to excellence in instruction, and an appreciation for our increasingly diverse community and nation.  

I have no doubt that Liz Cobbs would do a terrific job as School Committee member, and that she would provide fair, compassionate leadership. I am proud to support her for this position. 

Jacqueline Jones 

Independence Road