Cobbs has patience, intellect for School Committee 

April 5, 2024

I heartily endorse Liz Cobbs for School Committee. Both my children went through every year of the Concord school system; at least one of them attended Thoreau and then the high school during each year those were rebuilt, so I have attended more than my share of school committee meetings as a parent. I understand the patience, intellect, collaboration skills, and creativity that a good School Committee member needs. Liz. Cobbs has all these and more.  

Liz has demonstrated experience in town service. This will not be her first rodeo. She has been a member and co-chair of the Personnel Board. She has devoted many hours to the METCO Friends and Family program.  

More important, Liz listens. She seeks out input from families and participants. She seeks consensus. She has a vision of her own but knows that progress requires people and support.  

I urge Concord to take advantage of the chance offered by choosing Liz Cobbs to serve on the School Committee.  

Jim Reynolds 

Wheeler Drive, Boxborough