On Marano’s admirable transparency and impartiality

April 5, 2024

We are delighted to express our full support for Tracey Marano’s re-election to the school committee. Having known Tracey for over 15 years, we can attest to her invaluable contributions to the Town of Concord through her dedicated service on the school committee. Her unwavering commitment to upholding moral integrity and promoting excellence and equity within our school system is commendable. 

Tracey’s genuine concern for the well-being and academic success of Concord’s students is evident in her collaborative approach with educators, school faculty, and administrators. She tirelessly seeks common ground on all matters, whether mundane or contentious, and consistently endeavors to find innovative solutions that benefit all stakeholders. 

One of Tracey’s most admirable qualities is her transparency and impartiality. She approaches every issue with an open mind, basing her decisions on facts and fairness rather than personal biases. Her singular focus is on fostering an academically outstanding environment within Concord Public Schools, where students thrive and are provided ample opportunities for personal and academic growth. 

Tracey Marano’s re-election to the School Committee is crucial for ensuring continued progress and success within our educational community. We urge fellow residents to join us in supporting Tracey’s candidacy, as she embodies the qualities of a dedicated and effective leader who always puts the interests of our students first.  

Personally, Tracey exemplifies a dedicated citizen, consistently wearing a warm smile and readily offering assistance or support whenever needed. She generously devotes her time to numerous committees and charitable endeavors within our community. We are privileged to have her as our friend. 

Peter and Denise Jantzen 

Partridge Lane