Concord Firefighter Samantha McChesney Hamilton stands with the family of late Concord Fire Captain Bill Noke, wearing a ribbon and his picture on her rucksack to honor him. Photo by Maia Kennedy Photography

A long haul: Tough Ruck 2024 in pictures

The Tough Ruck, held this past Sunday, is an annual charity marathon. It’s produced in partnership with the Boston Athletic Association and benefits the Military Friends Foundation. One thousand people — servicemembers, first responders and civilians — participate, carrying a rucksack weighing 15 to 50 pounds and adorned with ribbons bearing the names of the fallen. Funds raised help military and first responder families in times of need. 

Photos by Maia Kennedy Photography

Bagpiper Eddie Elwell begins the Tough Ruck ceremony on the grounds of the Fenn School.
Fenn School Headmaster Derek Boonisar gives opening remarks.
Concord Police Sergeant Tia Manchuso directs traffic outside the Fenn School as the marathon begins.
A large group of ruckers proceeds through the woods as they continue the 26.2-mile journey.
Middlesex 4-H Fife & Drum members at the Reformatory Branch trail play the Ruckers on.
Tough Rucker Fylisity Baker-Scott, carrying a rucksack adorned with names and pins to honor the fallen, hits the trail as onlookers cheer.
Concord Firefighter Samantha McChesney Hamilton stands with the family of late Concord Fire Captain Bill Noke, wearing a ribbon and his picture on her rucksack to honor him.
A soldier walks down a Minute Man National Historical Park trail, passing a large group from the Concord Minute Men and 6th Middlesex Regiment.