Fan mail? We have fan mail!

November 2, 2022

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 

I am just picking up the first edition of the Concord Bridge and I am smiling ear to ear! Thank you so much for all of your hard work.  I strongly dislike what the “Concord Journal” has become. I write it in quotes as it’s not a local Concord paper anymore. 

I wish I had the background to help you and your team in some way.  But alas, my help will be limited to reading and enjoying your amazing new newspaper every week. Thank you to you and your team for all of the hard work you put into this new endeavor!!!

Kristin Martines

Thank you for creating The Concord Bridge. Our town really needed this sort of publication. I appreciate the hard work and thoughtfulness underlying the effort.

Thank you all!

Sue Rieder

Thank you so much for producing the Concord Bridge!  I have been looking forward to it ever since I heard that someone was thinking about reviving a local news outlet for Concord!  And, your first 2 issues have illustrated why this is so valuable.  We have some local issues that need independent and investigative journalism.  Specifically, the Junction Village issue to provide affordable housing in Concord (I hope it is revived) and the increased cost of the Middle School (I thought the money we voted for last spring included a buffer for increased costs; now they want more?).  And, you even printed a column about the loss of small houses in Concord by Frank Feely III (p.12).  All these issues are important, important to me, and I hope you will follow them and continue to report on them and keep Concord citizens informed. 

Thank you,

Laura LeVan