No easy fix for Gerow Park problems  

April 13, 2024

I went to Gerow Park on March 30.  My impressions are somewhat contrary to the rosy quotes given to The Bridge last December by town officials. This project is way over budget and many problems still exist. The pavilion’s perimeter is now cordoned off by yellow caution tape and cones denying access. I can see why. The paver floor of the pavilion is subpar and is a tripping accident waiting to happen. There is a “sinkhole” on the left corner of the structure and some metal has been haphazardly installed to keep the deteriorating floor from dislodging. These metal pieces create more of a tripping hazard. Some immediate action is necessary on this. And it isn’t a simple cheap fix. There are more areas where cones have been placed due to tripping hazards. 

There are supposed to be “raised foundation seating areas with cedar planks” around much of the pavilion. They don’t exist. There are no “change orders” between the town and the contractor showing these costly seats being removed from the construction. This should have been a significant credit back to the town. What has occurred is we have paid way more than the contract price for less work. We also have paid Town Counsel well north of $30,000 for legal advice on Gerow. And the list goes on, including the septic system, but I am limited to the length of this letter. 

The contractor was bound by the contract with the town to get a performance bond! Because the town allowed construction without the bond we are paying dearly for that egregious omission. This entire debacle wouldn’t have happened if the bond requirement was followed.  And who pays for this? We the taxpayers do. 

Paul Macone 

Grove Street