This moment calls for an ‘Ellen Garrison Middle School’

April 24, 2024

Today at church, the sermon invited me to consciously consider the unmet needs at the root of my decisions and actions. I think as a community we can do the same with regard to naming the new middle school. What needs are being met by the name Concord Middle School? The comments I have heard to date suggest mostly convenience and simplicity.

We have the rare opportunity to support a name for a prominent public building in Concord. I suspect the past system that established the names for Concord’s public buildings operated at a time and place when women and minorities were overlooked for such an honor. In this time and place, we have the need, and the awareness and sensitivity to operate differently in naming the middle school.

Our time in history calls for honoring a woman, descended from enslaved men, educated in Concord’s public schools, an educator, freedom fighter and champion of civil rights. Her values and bravery enrich and elevate our town’s history. Please support naming the new school Ellen Garrison Middle School at Town Meeting by voting YES on Article 22.

Kristin Moore

Frances Street